Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Update & Frustrated Rant

They moved the boys today to a different part of the NICU. It's their "Special Care" Unit... still intensive care, but for babies who are fairly stable. Val is still in a "crib" but back on 2L of flow thru his cannula. He does fine on lower flow & room o2 levels until he eats... digestion takes up so much energy for him that he starts desat-ing( this means his blood oxygen levels drop too much, for those not familiar with NICU terms) & they increase his flow & o2. Con had to go back into an isolette in the wee small hours this morning.... he was having a hard time maintaining his body temp. They're trying to wean him back to the crib tonight. Val did awesome breastfeeding this morning, but was too exhausted to suck when we tried again this afternoon. Con was super sleepy & not into it this afternoon either, so we'll try again with him when we go back to the hospital tonight. Both guys are now getting all breastmilk for all their feedings (all feedings are still gavage for both) but they are digesting it all MUCH better-- far fewer residuals (food left in their tummy) & jaundice quickly disappearing.
In "mom" related health news (much less interesting): they kept me extra day in the hospital & hesitated releasing me yesterday as well. My blood pressure is still awful (170/110 on Monday, & now is less high but still up there ever since. like 150ish/90ish). They've got me on lasix & blood pressure meds (both safe for breastfeeding) & constant d/a's til they figure out what's going on. Til then, I'm supposed to be taking it "easy". Yeah, right.

Rant coming up: Sometimes I wish the only family we had was our little family-- me, N & the guys (& my mom). My mom has been the only consistently reliable & completely understanding support person we have lately. My dad seems fairly oblivious allot of the time. My brother finally came up to visit, but I seriously doubt that he came to see us or his nephews. He came because he couldn't afford to fix his truck (my dad's truck, really) & wants my folks to pay for another year of tuition (he's turning 25). My dad seems to expect us to do command performances of the babies, which is infuriating me. How often to I have to explain that they are NOT normal newborns? One of my sons requires oxygen to breathe, & the other is in a plastic box. They eat through a tube in their nose. Visitors wake them up & take away energy they need to learn to eat, breathe, stay warm, suck & swallow. Our days are dictated by the boys' schedule & needs-- they are our ONLY priority. I don't care if you want to "show off" the kids. They need rest & quiet, & if we have to alienate everyone we know to keep the boys healthy & moving forward then that's what we'll do. We lost 2 babies & went through a year of hellish medical testing & almost 8 mos. of a very difficult pregnancy to bring these boys here, & we are fully prepared to kick any amount of a** we need to in order to care for our guys.

& to everyone who's told us to "get some rest while the boys are in the hospital": you have GOT to be kidding. No, we don't get tons of rest--I have to get up every 3 hrs to pump, & N is amazing & gets up with me to help & clean up. We spend pretty much all day in the NICU next to our babies, not bc we HAVE to, but bc there is no where else we want to be. No matter where we are or what we're doing, my heart & thoughts are with my sons, & it is far more stressful to be away from them. Anyone who thinks that NICU time is better spent in mom & dad staying home & "getting rest" has never had a child in the NICU.

&, no offense here, but I feel that no one has any right to make demands of us right now. We will NOT be accommodating any one's schedule but Val & Conrad's. period. They are OUR boys. Mine & N's, & no one has fought harder or loves them more than the 2 of us. No one wants them home & healthy more than us, but we will NOT rush them or put them at risk by trying to speed things up for selfish reasons. All we ask is that everyone be patient & make no demands or requests of us right now. My mom has done nothing but help, & has never questioned or doubted us or our judgement when it comes to the boys. She hasn't expressed disappointment or complained or asked anything of us, but she is the only one.

Sigh. I really needed that rant. If you know me in real life & read this-- don't be offended, just cut us some slack. We're doing our best.


  1. ....and your best is GREAT!

    You rant all you have every right~

  2. Rant away my dear! Don't worry what anyone else thinks, says, does, etc. You're doing the best you can for your boys and that's ALL that matters right now.

  3. Rena( lovcats2008)March 25, 2009 at 6:35 PM

    You 2 are doing wonderful and those boys of yours will do great as well. Hang in there and I will continue to pray for your little ones and you. God will give you the strength to carry on with what you need to do.

  4. ((HUGS))

    Been there done that. Huge huge ((HUGS)) remember solid ground, you can't ride the roller coaster. I do know how hard that solid ground is to find.

    And your right, you don't sleep with a baby in the NICU, if your not there your waiting on a phone call. Your stomach drops everytime the phone rings. There is no rest until your baby (ies) are home safe and sound.

    It sounds like your mom may be the go to person. If people want to know about the babies, have her update them, if she is willing.

    On Val- C man still destats when he feeds. We have to turn his o2 up a little (from 1/16 to 1/8) while he is eating.

    Honey remember, your boys are doing great! Everything your saying really is normal preemie stuff. I know there may not be a lot of comfort there, just keep it in the back of your mind.

    I hope this doesn't come across wrong. I know what your going through, and I know what your feeling. You are in your worst nightmare right now. And it sounds like your surrounded by a bunch of selfish people.

    ((HUGS)) rant, rave, vent do what you need to do to make it through this.

  5. Sorry to hear that you're having such a tough time with folks who just don't get it. That's frustrating as hell, I know. It's similar in a way to raising a special needs child, in that people expect me to do certain things that are just not beneficial to my daughter right now. ANYWAY, this is about YOU, not me!

    My thoughts are with you often, and I'm proud of the job you and N are doing. And you're 100 percent right - NOBODY has a right to be demanding or even asking anything of you right now!

    As for the boys, I'm cheering them on all the way! It's frustrating when you have to deal with the "one step forward, two steps back" nature of a situation like this, and I'm so sorry that it can't be an easier process. I know there's not much I can do, but I'm keeping you all at the top of my prayer list!

  6. I just wanted to tell you Im thinking about you and praying for you and your little family. You are right dont worry about anything but what you are right now. Screw all the other people that think they need your attention they will just have to realize that you cant right now. It takes all you have and all of your energy out of you to do what you are doing. You just do what you need to do and in the end everyone else will just have to understand.

    N sounds great! Props to him for being such a great Daddy to these boys & a wonderful Hubby to you. There arent many around like him anymore.

    Im so proud of you hunny! Your a trooper. I had a hard time with one baby in the NICU & you have 2 of them! Your amazing and dont you ever forget it. Love & Miss you! Aubrey

    PS Thanks so much for posting to me and making sure I was ok! Im doing great & having my big u/s on Friday.

  7. Sending hugs and get well vibes for all of you. I hope you are taking care of yourself as best you can to keep your supply up. I hope this stressful time is short and you are soon cuddled up at home!

    Amy (impossiblewoman-webmd)
